Our Story

Hi I’m Sarah, The Crystal Blonde.

For as long as I can recall I’ve loved crystals and pretty gemstones. I remember being a little girl and my auntie giving me a Rose Quartz tumble stone. She told me it would mean I’ll always be loved, and I just liked the thought that a little stone could bring love to you in some way. Later on into my teenage years my mom would buy me more for my collection and tell me that the stones had energies that would help me if I ever needed them, and through those difficult years I took comfort in these little pebbles that in a magical way could help and protect me.

Now, I just love the energies of the crystals, minerals and stones, and adore the feeling of having them around me, I truly feel like I can feel the energy they bring from the earth.  The stones I use have continued to guide me throughout my life, and in 2020 have helped me to find myself again and truly bring peace, happiness and contentment - don’t we all want a bit of that?! Not only are the crystals millions (sometimes billions) of years old and part of our beautiful planet, they’re super pretty and from a scientific perspective really do conduct energies! (Google Quartz and rocket science if you’re at a lose end!)

In early 2021, during the global pandemic The Crystal Blonde was born, with a vision to start an instagram page where I could connect with other crystal lovers and talk about things like natural healing, meditation, astrology and moonology. It was a tough period of time for everyone, and somehow throughout the turmoil connecting with the earth and quieting our minds seemed to help. Fastforward to today and I now run the page and this website with my husband and 2 daughters who love to ‘help’ where they can. I also now work with some wonderful family owned mines from around the world and 3 of the most amazing exploration geologists who will go and hunt out amazing one off pieces for our clients. 

Here at The Crystal Blonde, we only ever ethically source the products we supply. We work incredibly hard to ensure that the mines we use are safe for the workers, provide safety equipment and healthcare, and that excavations are done in a responsible way to ensure the earth is protected and not over mined.

When you buy from us here at The Crystal Blonde, you help to support the livelihoods of the families that own and work the mines, the crystal and stone polishers, the delivery people, the small independent companies that I buy my packaging supplies from, and finally my little family. So, not only are you getting to own a beautiful piece of Mother Earth, you can feel good about it too, now doesn’t that sound nice…!? 

If you have any questions about us, our products or anything at all about The Crystal Blonde, please do get in touch, we are always happy to hear from you! 

Love & Gratitude always 

Sarah & The Crystal Blonde Team